
Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Shoes for Dessert

Since I was a little baby, my mother has planned a weekend trip away with her girlfriends. It has been the same group of women for 31 + years. They all rent a bunch of condos, bring delicious food, lay on the beach, trade stories, and laugh. The only rule is that no husbands or children are allowed to attend. When my mother leaves for her annual “Beach Weekend”, my father steps into the role as both mom and dad.

Over the last decade I have formed a special tradition with my father during this time. He and I go on  "a date" when my mom is away. We go to lunch or dinner and then shop. It is a blast! My sister has joined in recently (since moving back to FL) and also loves this tradition! This year we met at the Cheesecake Factory for lunch and then were gifted: “shoes for dessert”, from my favorite store, Nordstrom.

My sister chose these beauties and these gems!

And these were my delicious choice!

After my dad parted ways with us, my sister and I shared some afternoon cocktails at Doc B’s Fresh Kitchen and we were also served a sampling of their candied bacon. I mean seriously?!

It. Was. Heavenly.

Having a few drinks mid day is normally not even something I would consider but this blog is pushin' me to have the glass of champagne pre-baby and to live it up:)

 It was truly a wonderful Sunday filled with family and shoes!  Who could ask for more?!:)



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