
Friday, July 8, 2016

Friday Favorites!

Another edition of my favorites! This work week was a shorter one but it has left me exhausted, longing for a vacation and looking forward to the weekend. You win some, you lose some- right?! ;)

As always, thank you Erika, Narci, and Andrea for including me!

Here is my Friday list!

1. Chocolate covered strawberries by Dole from the freezer section at the grocery store! Such a nice little evening treat without the guilt:) Or am I the only one who sneaks treats after dinner?!

2. Hanky Panky Sale! Personally, I think these are the best undies out there and at this price it is a little more reasonable to buy in bulk!

3. This natural mosquito spray made with essential oils. With the scary Zika virus lingering, this Florida girl has to make sure to protect herself from mosquitoes...especially with a potential pregnancy in the near future. I purchased this particular spray at a local farmers market over the weekend. I have yet to test it but I am willing to give it a shot! Any other mama's out there have something they use during the summer months as a repellent?


4. These cute shorts! SUPER cheap and adorable- my favorite combo!! Only $5.88!!!

5. Then there is this handsome face! Still reminiscing about the 4th of July and the wonderful time we shared with family and friends!

so happy! :) 
I hope y'all have a great weekend!




  1. Those chocolate covered strawberries SO need to make their way into my freezer!!!

  2. I love those shorts so much that I have already gone back and bought another pair!!! I have never tried those chocolate covered strawberries but I think I will be adding those to my grocery list. Have a great weekend.

  3. I love chocolate covered strawberries and have never tried those. Adding them to the shopping list. and those shorts are adorable!

  4. I also love the chocolate covered banana slices from Dole! I got my first box from Trader Joe's and I got hooked. Jess at Just Jess

  5. Love those shorts! I bought chocolate covered bananas at Sprouts and they are so yummy! Stopping over from the link up. Hope you can pop by my blog too!
