
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

What's Up Wednesday!

The last Wednesday of every month I join in this link up and answer the fun questions below! It's hard to believe that July is almost over!! Thanks for hosting Shay, Mel, and Sheaffer!

What we’re eating this week?

I have to use this opportunity to include a few of the recent delicious treats that I have indulged in!

Avocado Club Egg Rolls from CPK

Saffron Arancini with Chorizo Manchego

What I’m reminiscing about?

I LOVE summertime. I love sandy toes, long days and sun kissed skin J! But… recently I have been reminiscing about scarves, booties, and a warm drink in my hands. I am missin’ a chilly walk with Bella and the hubs or being cuddled under a blanket while sitting in front of a fire. I mean a FL girl only needs 65F to feel chilly! ;)

What I’m loving?

I am loving on my Nordstrom Anniversary sale picks and the fun deliveries that are associated with them:) More to be delivered today!! YEA!

What we’ve been up to?

Always workin' on our little fixer upper and adding small touches that are slowly makin' this house a home. Recently we updated the light fixture in the kitchen. This is the third one we have updated in this area and I love what a difference it can make in a room!

What I’m dreading?

I'm dreading cutting out my beloved soda. I know it must be done! I will vow... again.. that, as of August 1st, I will be a soda free girl. Bring on the LaCroix! 

What I’m working on? 

Finding the perfect camera! I have been searching for the best "starter" camera and lens. Most recently I have been researching the below, the Canon Rebel t6i. Thoughts?? Any recommendations, please share!

What I’m excited about?

Finishing up my Invisalign trays! My attachments (little buttons on the side of my teeth) were removed today and I only have two trays left. I am SO excited to finally be done with this process. I had wire braces years ago and then stopped wearing my retainers, had jaw issues and landed myself back in braces. Ugh. This time no wires involved but Invisalign trays. I would recommend it to any adult but am EXCITED to just have straight teeth and no more trays ;)

What I’m reading?

I decided to not finish a book I've been reading...because life is too short to finish a bad book. I previously planned on reading "Cancel the Wedding" but never started it! So tonight we will begin!

What I’m listening to?

Currently, I am re-watching Downton Abbey in the evenings after my hubs drifts off to sleep. I miss that show so much and am really enjoying it.

What I’m wearing?

So as I mentioned earlier, I am reminiscing about cooler temps and this sweater from the #nsale is calling my name! Just waiting for the delivery J

What I’m doing this weekend?

We are hoping to sign up for a Sur la table cooking class and I am so excited!  We are torn between the two options of: Down by the Shore or Summer in Tuscany!

What I’m looking forward to next month?

Looking forward to hopefully getting away on a small vaca!! The plans are just gettin' started but I would love to visit some of my best friends who are new mamas who don't live close by! A reunion is in the works :)

What else is new?

This blog! Constantly learning new things in this new world:) 

Bonus question: What was your favorite part about summer?

Oh Summer, I love you for your long walks on the beach, sunsets, tan lines and thunderstorms. I will miss you but please stop being 11521 degrees outside.

Happy Hump Day;)




  1. I have a Canon camera and I love it! But, honestly, I don't know how to shoot out of auto mode!

    1. thank you so much for the recc!! have a great day:) gg

  2. Oh my gosh, CPK... how I miss having a CPK around! I don't think we have one in the entire state of Alabama. As for the camera - Husby and I are Canon people!! Him first and I jumped in the bandwagon. When you choose Canon or Nikon, it's basically for life as you'll start collecting lenses (oh my goodness, some are more expensive than the actual cameras). You'll eventually upgrade cameras, but you'll still be able to use all your lenses. The rebel has a cropped sensor, just something of which to be aware. We have the 5D Mark II (as well as an old 40D that has a cropped sensor), purchased via Craig's List from a professional photographer (most of our lenses were purchased this way or from Ebay - it allows us do get better equipment like L series lenses that we wouldn't be able to purchase new). Good luck with your shopping - photography is so much fun :)

  3. What AWESOME feedback!! thank you so much for taking the time to write all of this great info:) have a great day! gg
